this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Monday, September 26, 2005

The land

Well it was a great day yesterday, we had a shorter than normal service in church (that's not the great bit!!) and then everyone walked down to our land and we had a service on it. We explained to people what the project was about and how they can be involved, we hope that a lot of the church will volunteer in many ways. It was so encouraging to see everyone there on our newly cleared land praying for the project and getting excited about it. It was possibly one of the hottest days here I have experienced so was thoroughly worn out afterwards and needed to drink buckets of water to feel a bit more human again.
It is amazing though everything I go down to the land it just seems to get bigger and bigger each time. The volunteers from the church did such a good job of clearing it so it is weed free and nearly flat, I am going to try to find out this week what trees and grass we can plant on it, very exciting!!!

Friday, September 23, 2005

If u don't like blood look away

I had a very exciting morning on Tuesday, I assisted our local vet with the operation on my friend breignas cat, phoebe. They don't want hundreds of kittens all over the place so the solution is for her to have the snip. It was so interesting, a bit gory at times. The most random thing about it was that we were doing the operation at my house and outside on the front porch!! Would never happen in England. It was a great experience and have put the picture up here just to prove I helped, see the very white arm in it, that's me! By the way phoebe is making a full recover and should be having no more kittens

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

worms and lugandan

Well I have de-wormed myself today, I am not saying I have worms but they are so common here that it has been suggested that you should do it every 3 months and as I have nearly been here that long I thought I should, and was also having some strange feeling in the tummy, think it could be in my head though! Or if it isn't it should be dead now!!
I have had a great lugandan lesson today and have been tested on everything I know and did quite well, I am top of the class! We have now moved on the counting which was great fun, we keep trying to get Vincent our teacher to be testing us, as we learn better we have found if there is a competition in it, there are only three of us in the lessons but it can get very competitive and personal!
I had an exciting day yesterday but I will tell you about that tomorrow when I have the photo to show what I did, so keep checking!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The rainy season

At the moment here people are debating if we have entered into the rainy season or not. I have definite proof that it is the rain season.
last week I am about to leave the house to go and play squash, the friend I am meeting texts me and says its raining where I am heading too, ok I think will take the mac even though the sky is clear here. By the time I had cycled all of two minutes the heavens had opened and soaked me right though to my pants!! I thought there is not point going back as I am wet as I can possibly get so carried on, visibility became so poor that I could only see 50 meters a head of me and was cycling in at least 3cm of water, which made it very difficult to see where the potholes where. I also had the heaviest pineapple in the world in my bag (my offering for dinner) which slowed me down even more. By memory I managed to avoid the deadly potholes and made it to the sports centre to be met by a very dry friend! The storm carried on for the next hour and a half so we had no option but to play squash, even if I had to play in wet clothes and bare feet because my trainers soaked up most of the rain that fell! It was all a fun and very wet experience, I was very pleased to get back to my friends who cooked me dinner and gave me some very dry clothes. This is my argument that we have defiantly entered the rainy season and may it finish quickly!!!

Friday, September 02, 2005

Bob has changed!!

This last week has been so good, work is still going well, it has been a week of fun times, I have realized that I have some really good friends here that I have such a good laugh with. It is very strange in away as people come and go very regularly, mirella who I have lived with since I got here is going back to Holland next week which will be sad so I have helped organize a surprise party for her tonight which should be such good fun. Also the guy Robbie who I live with has gone back to England for 6 weeks so from next week I will be on my own, which now doesn't really bother me because everyone is so good at coming around here or inviting me round to theirs. My technique will be to try to get as many dinner invites as possible!!
Just in case you were wondering my bike is still going very well, it goes very fast indeed and I even tried to be a bodha man last night by giving one of my friends a lift home on the back of my bike, I only managed it when it was down hill! I was quite dangerous though I didn't have a great deal of control and it was pitch black so couldn't see the potholes! People could hear us coming though so they could get out of the way!! The main thing was we made it home in one piece.
also thought I should inform the latest up date that I have heard about bob the chicken, the want-a-be church goer, he layed an egg in church that Sunday and from now on should be known as Bobbie!!