this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Friday, June 30, 2006

buses and moles

What a random morning, as I was cycling to the office I went pass a london transport single decker bus on the side of the road. It was quite a new one like the 72 bus that runs in Roehampton.Quite similar to the one above. How on earth did that get here and why? This place is so random.

I have discovered this week that we have a mole or a ground rat as they are known here, digging its way across our project land, our caretaker is devising a way of getting rid of it! It sounds quite a painful way for the mole but has to be done as he is eating our bushes! Sorry Mr mole!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

the last month

Since I have come back it has just been soooo busy, but it has been so good.
I will give you a brief summary of what has happened

I have been working flat out since I have come back as I have now started the programme in the IDP camps i dont get many weekends off now. The programme in the camp is going well, lots of challenges!!

About 2 weeks ago we had a public hoilday on a Friday so I went away to a place near by called sipi falls with a group of mates. It was so nice to get away, relax, do nothing for a while, take in the amazing views and enjoy the good walks. Heres me and a waterfall!

Then we had a team here from the UK, they came down to the project and worked with our girls. They were a performing arts team so they taught a dance to the girls. We had a community open day where about 200 people came from the local area including the girls family. I felt like such a proud parent, the girls performed some songs we had prepared and there dance and then they each introduced themsleves and said what they have learnt since the have been at the project. Lots of tear jerking moments!!!

Here is a picture of my new house! Am loving my new pad.