This week has been fantastic, I have had a great week at the project with the girls but I have had two problems or may be better described as accidents. The first one was on Monday I was about half was to the project and at this point I have to go up on to the railway line, I have to get off and push the bike up there as it is too steep to ride up. As I swing my leg over to get off the bike it gets caught on the saddle and I spectularly fall flat on my arse and the bike land on top of me. To make things worse the time I cycle it is 'rush hour' Ugandan style, in that all the kids are going to school so I soon had a massive group of kids just standing and staring, amazed that a white person can fall off their bike. They have this mad idea here that we never have problems at all, let lone embarrassing accidents!
that was number one, the second accident was slightly more serious and definalty more dramatic. As I cycle to the project, I have to cycle long the edge of a railway line, this is a very narrow path, under a meter wide and bikes go both directions on this, here is a picture of the cycle path by the railway line, to help you imagine it!
I was cycling along it near the edge, before I knew it, I had crashed handle bars with the guy cycling in the oppitsite direction and flew off my bike, off the railway track on to the mud below it, losing my shoes in the process. I actually really hurt myself, I had to try so hard to to cry as the crowd of people gathered to tell me it is too dangerous for me to cycle here. All I wanted to do was to find my shoes and hide some where! I managed to find my shoes, get back on my bike after fixing it and cycled off, trying to look cool but actually thinking I hurt all over. I manage to bash my elbow, got more bruises my legs to add to the massive one I gained from Mondays accident and am currently very stiff all over. My neck especially, I cant quite get it all the way around at the moment as my muscles hurt too much! But I am fine, and very lucky or protected by God as when I walked back that day along the track where I fell off, there was as massive tree stump and loads of broken glass I managed to miss, thanks God!
I think the answer is I need stabilisers!!