this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

new year and zanaibar

After Christmas myself and Claire had quite a manic week looking after goats on my friends farm while there were away, we didn't do a great job as one died but Claire did a great post mortem, smelt bad though!!
we then headed down to jinja to go white water rafting on new years eve day. It was sooooo cool, I loved it so much and want to do it all the time now. We were doing grade 5 rapids which are the most you are allowed to do in a raft. They were big, I don't have any photos as the camera would have got slightly wet but will have a DVD coming shortly so when I come back to England I can bore you all with how cool rafting is and how hard core I am!!!!
myself and Claire then headed to Tanzania, well Zanzibar to be exact, for those that don't know it is a very beautiful island off the coast of Dar es Salem, we had a mammoth 36 hour journey just to get to Dar and then next day went across the island on the boat, a very bumpy ride.
the reason we went was because Claire knew someone there who ran a posh hotel where are could stay for free, so off we went.
we had a great time, the lady we stayed with was quite mad, possible unstable, lots of comedy moments!
have put some photos up to make you very envious!!
I came back to Uganda on Sunday and Claire headed back to Kenya before she goes back to cold England!! It was so great to have Claire here for Christmas and New Year, so I am now back to work and trying to get through all the chocolate I have been sent for Christmas, thankyou everyone!!!


Blogger Hoylus said...

Great to see you had a good Christmas Jess - Happy New Year!

3:57 pm

Blogger DiscardedBarbie said...

Yo Jess, I'm well jealous, the ohotos worked. Really pleased you're having fun. By the way, we always knew you were hardcore, even withou the whitewater rafting. Let's just say though, for arguments sake, i would definatly win in a fight. We know I'm the most hardcore

Love you loads, Abishag x x x

7:17 pm

Blogger jess said...

thanks abi, but you must remember i would always beat you in a fight, we have discussed this many a time and i am the winner!!!
i am the most hard core, accept it girl!! will can put it to the test in april!!!!

10:06 am


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