this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Friday, December 02, 2005

It 3.42 am and I am wide awake!!

Hello everyone, well as you may see by the title I am wide awake and it is very early in the morning, not what I really want to be doing. We went out for a leaving dinner for some Canadian girls last night, this restaurant does very good coffee and I stupidly drunk 2 and bit cups last night thinking I don't ever have trouble sleeping!!! I stupid I was, I am now wide awake and about a million thoughts going around my head and everyone else is sound asleep in the house. Good job I have a blog hey!
am not sure what to do not sure what to do now, need to think of ways of making myself very sleepy, might read a work related book, I have written a big list with the aim of trying to clear my head which has helped, might walk lots round the living area to tire myself out, might be abit too noisy, what else can I do? umm, maybe thinking of ideas might make me sleepy! I don't think I am at my most decisive in the middle of the night!!
any way sweet dreams to all, maybe I can count sheep or chickens to be more African!!!
good night!


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