this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Friday, October 21, 2005

Do I look like frodo?

I went out for dinner last night with friends, I was having a lovely evening, lots of laughs and fun.
my friend Pete was sitting at the other end of the table and at a very quiet moment told me 'jess you really look like frodo baggins sister', now I think he meant this as a complement, (he is from Belgium and they have very strange sense of humour) but do I look like a hobbit? I am now having to try and hide my big hairy feet and wear my hair down all the time hide my big pointy ears!


Blogger Hoylus said...

Maybe slightly hobbitish... but it's absolutely nothing to be ashamed of!

4:43 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As christina says "you are beautiful in every single way words can't pull you down, you aare beautiful no matter what they say...something something la la la. x x x

p.s did you get the letter i sent you???

11:54 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

As a french person I can say.. never trust what a belgian guy says!! However.. the picture of frodo you put actually did remind me of you a bit... hum.. sorry but you have to take it as a compliment and anyway... we, continentals are strange!!!
Nice to read what you're up to by the way!! take care!

1:33 pm


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