this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Monday, October 10, 2005

ground force here i come!!

The GAD team have been packed up and I brought them back to Mbale on Friday, they seem a really nice team, very keen to get stuck in which is great.
As soon as I got back I headed off to pick up 1000 bushes and about 70 trees that we were going to plant on our land the next day.
It was a very early start on Saturday, we left the house at 6.20 am and drove to musoto which is completely off road and over a very built up railway track at one point which was slightly scary. As you drive over you have to go at it at very sharp angles and I only just missed someone's mudhut!!
we had such an amazing day, the church turned up in force to help plant and the local kids gathered and became my little helpers which was so cute! See the picture above
I had some training on the art of planting bushes before so I tried to direct the work which at time was quite challenging as people were so keen they wanted to plant before the ground was ready and even after myself and Dave telling them to stop and Pastor Nelson in the local language they still carried on planting!!!! It was good that they were so eager though and they stopped in the end!
we got everything planted and watered by 2pm that day which was great and just as we finished it rained which I think was a sign from God that he was pleased! Just need more rain now!
we are off to Kampala again today as we have meetings that we need to be at and we will be coming back up to Mbale with Ben, who organizes all of our placements from the UK end, he will be up here until Saturday which will be good.
So am heading off to the big city, looking forward to meetings and hoping to get some good pizza while I am there!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey! Wow it looks so good! I'm so glad things are taking place up there! you must be so exited. Have a great time in Kampala! I know it's so nice to enjoy good food there :) Don't forget to eat cake !!

Miss you,

12:52 pm


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