this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Race pictures

Before the race, limbering up!!

After the race with my running partner Aurda, wearing our MTN visors! Don't they look good on us!?!!

running the race!

I managed to do the run on Sunday, only made the decision on Saturday morning when I tested to see if my trainer would fit on my foot. Most of the swelling had gone down so I strapped it up well and ran.
The race was great, very weird really running a organised race in Africa. It was such a tough race as most of it was on a gradual hill which took its toll after a while and then the hot sun came out at 8am so the last 45 mins of the race where hot.
My aim was the finish the race which I did and only walked for about 3 mins throughout the race, normally at the top of the hills! I completed it in 1 hour 24 min, not record beating, well maybe one of the slowest times but I did it and enjoyed it which is the main thing. Afterward we watched the marathon winner cross the line. After he pasted the crowd got excited and came on the the road and true Ugandan style the police went at them all the batons and sticks, smacking them over the head! Nice!

My foot is doing well now, back to normal size, no pain just a good scab to pick at!!
This week has not gone that well as my laptop screen has broken so it needs to go back to the UK to get fixed, it doesn't look like I will get it back until after Christmas which is so frustrating as I have big deadlines before Christmas. So I am now relying on the desk top at the office which is dependent on power, not great here! So I am making my new home at the internet cafe! Oh well!!

Going to try some yoga tonight with a friend, not sure I will be able to move tomorrow!!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

manky foot

I currently have a very manky foot due to an ant!

I was in a forest here with my friend Andrea who was visiting, trying to find monkeys, we didnt do to well by ourselves and a local guy helped us and took us to the right spot to find them. When we founf the monkeys they were great but we treaked through a very dense forest. I was not expecting to do this so had my open toe shoes on. As our guide was chatting away I start to feel lots of things crawling up my legs. I am covered with safari ants which are massive and flesh eatting!! Not nice

So after some panic and pain we get them all off. Two days later the bites have all gone down apart from one which over the weekend managed to get bigger and more painful and make me feel quite ill. I have started antibotics at the beginning of the week and they taking affect. But it is still quite painful and is making me walk very slowly so i have been unable to run this week and even wear my normal sandels, i am being very culturally inappropriate and wearing my flipflops which are the equivalente of slippers in england!

my next door neighbour is a doctor, so she pierced it last night but not much puss came out then, but have had a steady flow today and it is feeling some what better.
the main problem is that i am meant to be running the kampala 10 km race on sunday, i am still hoping that it will heal up quickly and i can do it or i may do it anyway! and just have to suffer afterwards!
I would love to put up a picture but i feel that may be too gross!!!