this is to keep you all up to date with what i am up to in africa and for you to fill me in on what exciting things you are doing!!

Friday, July 15, 2005

I am in Kampala

I got here on Tuesday after a long, hot 4 hour bus journey, in that time though you just have amazing view of the country going from very extreme possible and at a crazy speed, I tried to work how fast we were going and gave up, it was defiantly more than 100mph most of the way on these bumpy tiny roads!
have been visiting the projects in Kampala of Oasis and have had a few meetings, aren't I posh! The projects are great and my best time has to be when we spent the evening at the half way home with the girls, we had dinner with them, they taught me lugandan and then did an hour long performance, which involved lots of singing and dancing and they made me dance! I looked so bad compared to them! They were such lovely girls and have faced so much already in their short lives.
the other exiting thing that happen was we had avery small car crash last night! dont panic, i am fine, was a very slow speed, a taxi, like a minibus was going past and another on tried to over take that one when there was blantly no room and went in to the side of us and the other taxi, the driver then ran off and left the taxi and we went down the the police station with the drunk police officer! it all got sorted and the owner of the taxi will pay for the damage as it was a project car, and by the way i wasn't driving! it was an exciting evening.
am heading back to mbale tomorrow which will be nice to get back to a less hetic way of life


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great to hear you are havin a fab time. Keep us up to date on what is going on with you. Needless to say Roe has changed very little since you left. We all miss you tho. Have a good weekend

1:08 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! Haven't you been a busy one ey!It's great to hear that you've got there safely-just! and seem to be having an amazing time! I can't wait to hear the next instalment. We all miss you lots and lots.

10:47 am

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey babe

so glad your having a great time sounds fab! what is your email? cos everyone can see this - no private comments!
I am so pleased that things are good and it sounds like you are embracing the african way of life! keep us updated eh?
things here good - but let me email you proper for the gos!
love u s x

3:54 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess...

Good to hear it's all going well and you're keeping up a reasonable meeting quota (RMQ) It's what charities run on!

Phil H.

12:27 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess
Just managed to get on ur site and read everything u have been up sounds amazing! im gald ur having a great time...its all a bit like a soap opera with the installments!! cant wait for the next episode...
miss u

8:58 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

nice to hear what going on in uganda. i can't believe what time people are posting their comments, jennifer at 3am! sarah, when did you start getting up at 5am?!
hannah and phil ... you both should get to bed earlier.

anyway your missing some really hot weather here Jess, not that your gonna be bothered by that, i bet its lovely there. and England have bowled well in the first test this morning, just in case you might be bothered about that.

you know what, i think your life's alot more interesting than ours at the moment... look forward to your ext installment.

Hope the food hasn't got to you yet.

3:06 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

and would you believe it, i seem to have commented at 5am. now i feel silly.

3:07 pm

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess - you sound like you are having an amazing time already! It feels like you are still here with all this information and yet there is a Jess hole waiting for you when you come back to visit!
(hope this doesn't sound too mummish) but don't get bitten too much - they are blue meanies!
Take care jess - think about you!

3:25 pm


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